Clinton County Clerk of Courts

Filing Fees

Effective April 1, 2013

Title Office

Certificate of Title $ 15.00
Duplicate Title $ 15.00
Memorandum with Title $ 15.00
Memorandum without Title $ 5.00
Recording Lien $ 15.00
Salvage Title $ 4.00
Boat Title $ 15.00
Outboard Motor Title $ 15.00
Serial Inspection $ 1.50
Title Notary Fees $ 1.00
Penalty-Failure to Apply within 30 days of notarization $ 5.00

Legal Office

Civil Case $ 250.00
Complaint in Foreclosure ($220.00 Real Auction Fee) $ 570.00
Divorce/Dissolution of Marriage w/o Children $ 300.00
Divorce/Dissolution of Marriage with Children $ 400.00
Foreign Judgment $ 75.00
Execution $ 50.00
Writ of Possession $ 100.00
Garnishments $ 50.00
Judgment Debtor Exam $ 100.00
Motion Reopening Case $ 100.00
with Children $175.00
Motion Reopen Civil Case $ 100.00
Motion Requiring Service (when no previous deposit has been made) $ 20.00
If Service Made by Sheriff $50.00
Answer and Cross-Complaint Requiring Service $ 20.00
If Service by Sheriff $50.00
Issuing a Certificate of Judgment $ 5.00
Filing a Certificate of Judgment $ 30.00
Release of a Certificate of Judgment $ 5.00
Filing a Notice of Appeal $ 225.00
Expungement $ 50.00
Petition for Car Title $ 100.00
When a precipe for subpoena is filed for a CLINTON COUNTY resident, the deposit is $20.00 per witness.

When a precipe for subpoena is filed for OUT OF COUNTY RESIDENT, it shall be accompanied by a check made payable to the witness for one day witness fee ($12.00) plus round trip mileage at $.10 per mile, and a $15.00 deposit (to cover issuing subpoena and Sheriff's fee).

If the subpoena is issued for the afternoon only, the fee would be for one-half day plus mileage.

Subpoena issued for Cuyahoga County, a Deposit of $20.00 is required.
Home Investigation $ 150.00
Copies (per page) $ 0.10
Certified Copies (per page charge above plus $2.00 per document)  
Jury Demand Fee $ 200.00
Certificate of Official Character $ 2.00
Authentication of Copy $ 2.00
Fax Fee $ 2.00
+ per page $1.00
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